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Confront Your ‘Snowflake’ Relatives

Confront Your ‘Snowflake’ Relatives



Trump campaign encourages supporters to confront their ‘snowflake’ relatives. With families coming together at the end of one of the most divisive years in recent memory, President Donald Trump‘s campaign has created what is intended to be a gift for supporters who might talk politics with a “snowflake” relative this Christmas.


Trump’s reelection campaign launched a new website Christmas Eve designed to help the president’s backers “win an argument” with liberal friends and family members.


The site,, features videos of campaign staff members providing talking points to Trump supporters for 12 hot-button topics, ranging from immigration to congressional Democrats’ impeachment probe.


“Like most of us, President Trump’s ancestors were immigrants, and he is married to our amazing First Lady who is herself an immigrant,” Trump campaign adviser Lara Trump said in a video. “So, let’s be clear that President Trump is opposed to illegal immigration.”


“Impeaching President Trump has always been an election tactic,” said another staffer. “Democrats have never accepted the results of the last election, so they’re trying to interfere with the next one.”


Members of the campaign promoted the site on social media in the lead up to Christmas, encouraging followers to embrace an aggressive stance.


“We know that at Christmas and holiday time, there’s always that liberal snowflake relative who starts an argument and then runs and hides,” Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale tweeted. “This year, don’t let them get away with it.”


Some of those whom Parscale would presumably dub a “snowflake” found the website ridiculous.


“Nothing says Merry Christmas like hurling insults at relatives,” responded former DNC spokesman Mo Elleithee.


For its part, the official Twitter account of the Democratic Party posted Monday that it had created resources designed to spot fake information online “just in time to share with friends and family over the holidays.“


A 2018 Pew Research Center study found that more than half — 53 percent — of Americans thought it was “stressful and frustrating” to discuss politics with people they don’t agree with. That number was up from 46 percent in 2016.


Trump is spending Christmas at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida with family for the holidays, where he has aired grievances with Democrats after being impeached last week in a party-line vote in the House.


“Wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that Republicans in the Senate should handle the Impeachment Hoax in the exact same manner as Democrats in the House handled their recent partisan scam?” Trump tweeted Monday. “Why would it be different for Republicans than it was for the Radical Left Democrats?”

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